How to Use the Client Care Chapters of the BHAM

How to Use the Client Care Chapters of the BHAM

Client Care sections in the BHAM are organized and formatted in a way that will help you to identify specific types of information through formatting, consistent language, and links between chapters.

A standard template helps you navigate quickly. The client care chapters have the following sections:

  • Begin Here/Do Not Begin Here Tables
    • Review these tables to be sure you're in the right chapter for the client's presenting problem or diagnosis.
  • Introduction:
    • Basic introduction to the topic at hand, including background information and definitions.
  • Guiding Principles for the BHA/P:
    • Information on the specific topic that you should know when dealing with the identified topic.
    • Basic principles that apply to working with a client who has presented with issues related to this topic.
    • Practical things for you to remember when dealing with this specific topic.
    • Reminders about some of the issues or concerns to look for when seeing a client for this topic.
  • Information You Need for This Visit
    • Information you should know and review prior to seeing the client (except in emergency).
    • May include a treatment plan that is already in place, related lab tests (especially drug testing), medications, any info from the referring agency or the referral doctor, etc.
  • Signs, Symptoms, and Risk Indicators
    • Specific things that you should be looking for (affect, signs of physical harm, etc). This includes behavioral observations and physical observations.
    • Questions about "wellness habits" so that you can build on their strengths.
    • Things to look for as they relate to the client, unless it specifically refers to someone else (e.g., caregiver, family member, community).
  • Evaluation Questions
    • Questions to ask and observations to make about the client’s overall functioning and wellbeing.
    • Guidance for the BHA to gather information about the client’s problems and concerns, risk factors, personal strengths, treatment priorities and goals.
    • Information about how to identify an emergency situation that may require assistance from another provider or local authority.
  • Interventions and Referrals
    • Links to chapters with an overview of interventions and referrals
    • Information about topic-specific interventions and external agencies or resources for that the client may need to be referred to for additional support.
  • Reporting and Documentation
    • Links to relevant chapters that summarize reporting requirements and guidelines for documentation.
    • Any specific reporting or documentation needs related to the chapter topic.

Text Formatting

Bulleted lists help you keep track of multiple items included in or required for a specific concept. The list lead (e.g., this paragraph) provides foundational or introductory information. Bullets provide any of the following:

  • Additional information.
  • Components.
  • Steps.
  • Helpful examples.

Bold text is used to emphasize an instruction or help you find important information.

  • For example, best practices for elder care will always incorporate the elder's culture.
Note: “NOTE” indicates important information for the BHA/P. It is not meant to be read to clients.

All terms that are included in the glossary with a definition are underlined and linked to the glossary.

Nouns and Titles

The BHA/P is referred to as “you” in all sections.

Any person who receives treatment from you is called “the client.”

Pronouns used for clients include “he," "she," and "they." Except for gender-specific issues, all pronouns apply to clients of all genders.

BHA Clinical Supervisors are referred to as “supervisor,”“your clinical supervisor,” or “your supervisor.” Any references to administrative supervisors will specifically use the word "administrative."


Wherever possible, the eBHAM includes links to help you navigate the material and learn more.

  • Links to other sections of the chapter you're in help you navigate quickly.
  • Links to other chapters in the BHAM connect concepts and help you find related information.
  • Links to outside resources help you learn information that is outside the scope of the BHAM itself. Information found in outside sources should be reviewed and applied within the context of your organizational policies. If you are not sure about how or if you can use the information, consult with your supervisors.

Begin Here/Do NOT Begin Here Tables

Begin Here If
This is a list of topics that ARE covered in this section, confirming that you are in the right place in the BHAM for that issue.
  • Quick reference criteria to help you determine whether you are in the right spot.
  • The list will redirect you to a more appropriate chapter if necessary.
Do NOT Begin Here If
This is a list of problems that may seem similar to the chapter section but are handled better in a different part of the BHAM.
  • Quick reference criteria to help you determine whether you are in the right spot.
  • The list will redirect you to a more appropriate chapter if necessary.